Meet our Yummy's
Reina Meer | Oostzaan. April 13, 2023

New! Yummy Edible Candy Paper Tasty, Fun and Guilt-free
Primus Wafer Paper B.V., a privately held food manufacturing company from the Netherlands, launches at the ISM in Koln its new brand Yummy’s®. They are a brand new and very welcome addition to the crowded candy shelf space as they are sugar and gluten free and a very unique appearance that will definitely stand out from the crowd.
Primus offers a brand new and unique range of edible candy paper with sweet and sour tastes printed with cool designs. Something so different that it will definitely attract the crowds on the busy confectionary shelf of your customers. Yummy paper is powered by potato starch and Primus unique drum drying technology. It’s definitely worth adopting it in your portfolio if you like to innovate there where your customers want you to be. We are launching two varieties; the Yummy® Doodles and Yummy Jaws.
The Yummy® Doodles are available as sweet 0,3 mm thin, foldable sheets of 78 x 15 cm with various fun designs and in the delicious flavours of blueberry, apple & banana. There are 3 x 5 sheets of each flavour in one 1 package with various images.
The Yummy® Jaws are surprisingly sour sheets of 7 x 15 cm edible paper also with the same size, that are 0,6 mm thick and crunchy. The name says it all, the Jaws have cool animal faces as a design. Here too, the sour flavours (lemon, green apple and blueberry) are mixed per 3 x 3 sheets and there are different animal faces per package.
“For the first time ever we have cracked the code to produce edible paper with a sour taste to innovate there where our customers want us to be – we have high expectations from our new Yummy® brand and look forward to make the candy shops on this globe a little bit more healthy and sustainable” says Wouter Smits, managing director of Primus Wafer Paper.
Primus Wafer Paper is a privately held company based in Oostzaan, the Netherlands. Since 1916 Primus produces starch paper as rolls, sheets and labels to more than 100 customers in 40+ countries. The factory runs 24/7 in line with BRC A standards and it provides the highest quality to customers that produce infant nutrition bars. Unlike alternatives, Primus product is gluten free, edible, bio-degradable and very flexible such that it can be used for printing. With various inhouse developed printing technologies, Primus is able to produce the volumes required to deal with impulse buy items for big retailers and wholesalers in the market.