We are proud to support the businesses of 250 direct customers in 50 countries. We strive to provide our products 100% On Time, In Full, At Quality. With most of our customers we have long lasting relationships as we know that business is based on mutual trust and understanding. Our customers share our perspective we are not in it for short term gains but want to make impact on long term.

Quality policy
and production
Integrated in
our workflow
We believe that quality is not just a department in our company but an important responsibility for all colleagues involved no matter which department they are working in. Having said that, of course we have a committed quality assurance & control team which plays a pivotal role in our organization. With their support and systems, we are always audit ready and lifting the bar for ourselves to further professionalize the organization.

We meet all the requirements of the Global Standard for Food Safety, Issue 9.

As leader in wafer paper, we offer a unique range of organic wafer paper quality.

COM-F-01 (EN)
Supplier information COM-F-01 2025.

COM-F-02 (EN)
Frequently asked questions COM-F-02 2025.

Most of our products are Kosher.
Quality marks